Wednesday, November 30, 2011



Susah kalo punya temen muka gratisan :P
Apa - apa minta gratis, makin banyak ngasi makin banyak rezeki, plis deh.. Gw kan nganggur??? Dia kan KERJA! Kalo udah tau gw JUALAN buat nambahin duit yang setipis kapas ini, lo masih gak malu MINTA GRATIS!!!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011



Belakangan ini kepengen mengakhiri masa lajang :P
Ngiri kali ya, liat Vivi married, Omi married, Grace, dll dll...married semua >.<

Yah, udah cukup umur memang, tapi masih ada masa depan yang harus dipikirin,,,belom punya penghasilan, ini itu,,,si mas memang udah tetap kerjaannya tapi banyak hal yang masih perlu dibenahi,,

Semoga bisa sama-sama ya Mas ^^


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Asisten Lagi


Hari ini, mulai bantuin Pak Ari lagi dikelas, semoga ada jalan yang baik menuju karir mengajar seperti cita-cita gw selama ini...Amin :)

Rasanya tegang juga udah beberapa bukan nggak bantuin Pak Dosen tersebut dikelas, semoga aja bisa mengikuti materinya dengan baik..entah enapa rasanya tumpul banget ni otak, hohoho..

Belum lagi (ehem) badan udah gendut n baju nggak ada yang muat :P
Yoooooooooosh!! Semangat!!!!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Opening a Business??

It's been months since I left my last job.. I'm starting to feel rather nervous because I can't see what road lies ahead, what will I come to face. After a while, I came to conclusion that I may not suited for 'office job'. I thought I'd do much better to do things I love. 

I love teaching; and some exciting experiences had given me some good feeling about it. I love crocheting, making beautiful stuffs to decorate my room, and I'm getting really good at it. I have loved cooking for a long time, and seeing happy faces eating the food I made them is so much refreshing.. Lately I'm learning to bake, for the reason to be able to eat apple pie as much as I can and whenever I wanted, and now I'm addicted to it. It's fun!!

I also believed that we can live doing what we like; and also making a living from it. At the beginning, it may not give you much, but after a long and consistent delivered branding image, it will give you more than enough. The only (and the BIGGEST) obstacle is that we MAY NOT HAVE ANY MONEY to begin with. It's true. anyone with my kind of background would feel so. And it may disheartening, and couse us to cease dreaming. 

Recently, my friend Vivi prenounced an idea to make our own business. we are going to sell my crocheted item as a wedding souvenirs. I think it's a good idea, I have been crocheting for a while and I have also intended in selling them. Our capital is small, and project based, so my payment as an assistant for lecturer will be sufficient to pay my share. We have not much money yet, I'm still unemployed and Vivi got married recently, so we need to be careful about budgeting. 

Time to try our luck, don't you think???
